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Sevilla Tower – César Pelli – 13.800 m2

Aside from being the tallest building in Andalusia, the Sevilla Tower is an internationally acclaimed building for the vanguardist combination of technology and nature given to it by the architect in charge of its design, the renowned César Pelli. The combination of modern architectural elements with garnered areas and green roofs helps integrate the building with the environment in a unique way.

Its avant-gardist design presented many challenges from a technical point of view, specially the ones regarding waterproofing, as the roofs had torsion and slope, making conventional waterproofing systems unusable. On the other hand, these green roofs required a waterproofing system that resisted root penetration.

Because of these things, ACE Green Roofs System was the chosen one for these project, as it presented the following advantages: 1. Modified polyurea system ART-7052 is certified as resistant to root penetration according to UNE-EN 13948:2008. 2. This system is applied with high pressure, hot spraying equipment, curing within seconds and adapting to the most irregular shapes, solving the adherence issues coming from the steepness or torsion of the roofs. 3. Furthermore, this system resists the transit of heavy machines and vehicles when its thickness is above 2 mm, necessary for the trucks to pass and dump the soil, and has the ideal slipperiness to prevent lanslides.

4. Since it allows for the application of large areas every day, ready to be used to further treated within hours, this solution provides a lot of dynamism to the project in comparison with other waterproofing systems.

Because of all of these reasons, the following solution was chosen:

6. Vegetable Soil

5. Geotextile Membrane.

4. Modified Polyurea System ART-7052 HE

3. PRIMERFLEX PLUS polyurethane primer

2. Substrate preparation and treatment of singular points

1. Firm, dry, clean and open pore substrate

Constructive System

1. Substrate preparation

A mechanical treatment was performed on the walls in order to eliminate poorly adhered concrete and elements in bad condition. Once the treatment was finished, cracks could be appreciated in the concrete, so R4 structural repairing mortar was used in order to repair and regularise the surface up until 6 meter of height, and MEDIAS CAÑAS were prepared.

2. Imprimación de Poliuretano PRIMERFLEX PLUS

Application of PRIMERFLEX PLUS, 100% solids polyurethane primer with an average consumption of 200 ml/m2 in order to seal the pores and improve adhesion.

3. Proyección de Sistema de Poliurea Híbrida ART-7052

Once the indicated drying time passed, the Modified Polyurea System ART-70 PU-100 was applied with a 2 mm average thickness. As it was applied with high pressure, hot spraying equipment, an average of 500 m2 were coated each day.

5. Vertido de Tierra

Se realiza el vertido de la tierra vegetal y se procede a plantar las flores.


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